About us

Allround Vehicle Forwarding B.V. is a new company with the knowledge and experience of some old hands in the business. By attracting another partner this was extended with equally years long experience.

The combined experience in the areas of roadtransport, seatransport and airfreight give our customers the security of a trustworthy logistics product at a competitive price.

Problem with our kind of business is that you can not show the result of it like a beautifully constructed house, you cannot feel it like a beautiful fabric like Kashmir or taste it like a good Bordeaux wine, but only by using our services you can experience the excellence of the product.

Our services related to the transport and importation of cars from the United States, Canada and elsewhere in collaboration with our agents at New York, Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, Vancouver and Melbourne/Australia can be called excellent. Depending the wishes of the customer we can ship by container or roll-on/roll-off service. Followed by an accurate and speedy customs clearance and eventual delivery to the customer’s premises.

Many preceded you ! See our photogallery of the various cars, classics and relatively new, motorcycles and other means of transport.

In view of our special relationship with Iceland we offer a reliable service from house to house. Our partner has a division specialized in the handling and transport of works of art for which we offer our part in Europe.

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DNA Vehicle Forwarding B.V.

Treeport 201-202,
4891 PZ RIJSBERGEN/The Netherlands
Tel: +31(0)765 960 570
GSM: +31(0)622 697 808
Email: W.vanderAa@dna.forwarder.net